Me and my twin

I never thought about how confusing my different looks might be to people who don't really know me and don't know what's going on. There's a shoppers on the corner where I live, and there's this nice Filipino lady who works there who always says hi to me. I think its cause she thought I was Filipino also (I get that alot).

A few days ago when I went to buy some stuff there I saw her again and waved and smiled. She waved back and then asked "Are there two of you??" Hahaha... I thought.that was too funny!

I just chuckled and told her no, its just me....there was a confused look on her face. She had another customer with her so I didn't go on to explain why she would be seeing me with long hair one day, and then a bandana on my head the next day (obviously showing that there isn't really any hair underneath it at all).Or maybe she saw me when I cut my hair really short.....before it fell out....and then she wondered how it grew back so quickly!

One day I'll reveal the mystery of my different looks to her. For now, its kinda fun having a twin :)

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